Although many brides plan their wedding day activities a full year in advance, the actual wedding day just flies by. Here's a tip: getting ready may take longer than you think so don't forget to build in extra time for your own bridal portrait! All that effort you've put into selecting your gown, veil, hairstyle, accessories and makeup needs to be translated into a graceful, unforgettable portrait. Make time for it on the wedding day and you'll have a beautiful memory for your family and yourself to enjoy for years.
Our lovely bride Lori Rulapaugh did one thorough job of planning her wedding day memories, right down to a computerized checklist of the groups and individuals she wanted photographed at her Alexandria, Virginia wedding. It made her day a pleasure to photograph because she planned her time carefully. Now she has memories for a lifetime, including this portrait of herself which will be in the program for the Mrs. Virginia America Pageant, February 5! Lori has been selected Mrs. Greater Alexandria, Virginia, and now goes on to vie for the title of Mrs. Virginia. Attlee Weddings and Portraits wishes her every success!
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